So here we sit in the waiting area at UPenn Hospital..waiting for the call that vaccine was administered without complication and he’s doing well. I haven’t slept in 30 hours, probably smell, and feel like crap because I just ate a huge piece of pizza and French fries out of pure boredom yuck! BUT, I am so happy to report that this weeks news, although not perfect – is a much needed relief. Lung scans show no addition metastatic disease, and only about 4mm in growth of the nodule that was there. Well take it!!!! Although there was still growth, studies have indicated that it takes 2-3 vaccines before showing any signs of progress. Previous dogs in this study with metastatic disease did not make it because their lung disease progression was too rapid for them to survive trough the third vaccine. We’re staying hopeful that the tumor will continue to progress very slowly (or in better scenario, start to go the other way) so that he will be able to successfully receive all 3 vaccines in order to give it a chance to work! All in all he is still his silly self, and until that changes – we keep pushing forward and fighting one day at a time! The next time we come up to PA for his third and final vaccine, we will be heading on vacation right afterwards to Bentleys favorite place on the island! He LOVES the beach, and I cannot wait to spend the week with him there, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes home cured! 🙂

What a wonderful update!
You rock Bentley.
Not sure when Bentley’s next vaccine is but Tuck and I will be sending lots of prayers and pawsitive thoughts that there is an even better report next time.
Time to celebrate
Linda and Tucker
Whew…yoj’ve got two tired dudes!, I can feel their exhaustin…..and maybe even smell al little pizza breath!
Yo have a GREAT ATITUDE and that is very, very important! Bentley continues to be blissfuly unaware snd is just sooo happy being with yo and getting such great attention Your energy radiates out to Bentley and he’s feeling fine!
And this is a victory! The vaccine is keeping a lid on that stupid piece of crap disease and is gonna squash it and stomp it i to oblivion very soon!
We’re all pulling for you Bentley! I CERTAINLY hope you got steak, pzza and ice cream!!!
Look forward to more great updates.
sally and Happy Hannah
You’re doing great Bentley!!! Keeping positive thoughts for your next visit to PA!! And I hope you have a great vacation at the beach! Keep kicking butt, Bentley!!
FANTASTIC! Go Bentley!
We all have our paws, finger & tails crossed that there’s more good news ahead.
Do you know exactly how the vaccine is administered and what it consists of? We’d love to hear more.
Way to go Bentley! Sending you best wishes that all goes well and you head back to PA in a couple of weeks!
Jerry, if nothing has changed from when Sasha received the vaccine, it is administered via IV. One difference now is that the first several dogs stayed overnight at Penn Vet, now its done in one day and there is no overnight needed. I’m in the process of finding out more regarding the 2nd phase because I still have people write and ask me questions. Bentley’s mom, please correct me if I’m wrong!
Hugs to Bentley!