A New Journey begins!!

I have not had much of a chance to update lately because we have been so crazy busy! Aside from everything going on with Bentley, we are also getting married in less than 2 months!! So we’ve got showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties and lots of planning left to do! As I sit here and write all of this, I’m not sure how I even get any sleep at night (not that I really do haha)! As I mentioned in my post last time, Bentley did great with Carboplatin #4 and had great results on our chest scans! We have been trying to get in touch with Dr. Mason at UPenn Vet School in regards to the study she is conducting to develop a vaccine to help to stop/prevent the spread of Bone Cancer cells. I know that alot of you have probably heard of this study, but I also know that the requirements to get into this study are somewhat restrictive so unfortunately I know alot of other babies have not been able to get into it. We went back and forth for a long time trying to decide what to do, but we have finally decided to go ahead and put Bentley into the study! For those of you unfamiliar with the study, more information can be found here: https://www.vet.upenn.edu/research/centers-initiatives/canine-cancer-studies

Of course, as soon as I finally get settled into a routine with Bentley’s routine, medications, supplements, and food – we get a curve ball! However, we love and trust our Oncologist very much, and she feels that this is a fantastic opportunity for Bentley! And although this could not be happening at a worse time, as we have pretty much everyday from now until the wedding planned out with things to do – I know in my heart that I could NEVER forgive myself if we passed up an opportunity like this! So far everything is still on track for us to head to PA Thursday night (about an 8 hour drive) to receive his first vaccine. The only thing we are still waiting on, is the results to come back from a test that they’re doing this week to ensure that his body actually mounts a response to vaccine (they drew blood last week and sent it to Dr. Mason and she said that we should have results back by Thursday).

I will try to keep everyone posted on how everything goes this weekend, and every vaccine after that – but as I said, with how crazy busy we are going to be the next two months (before we even added this into the mix!), my updates may be a little late!

Thank you in advance for all of the prayers, well wishes, and thoughts coming our way on this next chapter of our journey!


Healing Hugs from Kate and Sloppy Rotty Kisses from Bentley


Silly Boy loves lounging in the sun!
Silly Boy loves lounging in the sun!
And this is how he sleeps lately haha
And this is how he sleeps lately haha

4 thoughts on “A New Journey begins!!”

  1. Wow Kate and Bentley…how exciting for you!

    Marriage and the chance to participate in the vaccine study 🙂

    Congrats on both…looking forward to the updates on both counts.

    Many hugs

    Linda and Tucker

  2. WOW! What an update it is!!

    Bentley looks stunningly handsome amd so hapoy and content…..ike always!!

    Yes, we will be following Bentley’s journey with excitement…whether or not he’s in the program! We just love hearing about him and avout his humans!!

    But please…take ne thing off your “to do” list for now, okay? You’ll jave plenty of time to update us later on his program and how things are going with our Hero Bentley!! For now, just focus on the joy and fun of the wedding prep. and taking care of Bentley.

    We do expect to see pics of the wedding tough. Bentley will be there, right?:-) 🙂 He’s sooooooo loved!

    Alright…deep breath… …now go enjoy yourselves and make it a great day!! Maybe so ehow you can turn tht eight hour ride i to so e real “de-stress” time…..maybe do an audio book, or relaxing meditation tapes while, of course, you are rubbing Bentley’s tummy the whole time!

    Wishing you the very best in every area of your lives now!

    Hugs and CONGRARULATIONS on the whole sha-bang!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Wowwwee Congratulations! I had no idea there was a wedding in your future 🙂 Will Bentley be the ring bearer? I can see him in a tux, he will look magnificent.

    You are amazing pawrents, it’s so clear how much you love him. And I’m certain that this entire community is in love with him too, especially ’cause of these latest pics.

    Keep us posted (when you can) on the study. Thanks for helping to end this awful disease!

  4. Bentley in a bow tie!!!!! lol
    That is such an amazing opportunity.. for Bentley and you!!!
    Congratulations on your upcoming day!! whooo hooo!!
    I love the picture of Bentley on his back.. just waiting for that belly and chest rub!!!!
    Christine…. with Franklin in her heart♥

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