WAHOOOOOOO!!! I am sitting here in the Oncologists office while Bentley receives Carboplatin #4, they did his recheck lung scans today and everything came back all clear!!!!!! His kidney levels were slightly high, but his urine is also very concentrated so she thinks that he is just a little bit dehydrated today! We will keep an eye on it of course, but hopefully it means nothing. We are going to head to the pet store to pick up some fun new toys, and then head home to play and snuggle for the rest of the night!!!
Healings hugs from Kate and Sloppy Rotty Kisses from Bentley
So, here in Charlotte NC..cold and snow is a rarity. Not only is snow a real rarity, but snow over .25 inches has only happened once since I’ve lived here (2007). Then there was snowmageddon 2014. We’ve been snowed in the house since Tuesday afternoon, and Bentley is LOVING it! We knew this was coming, so we stocked up on all of the essentials (mainly wine and beer), and hunkered down for a long week. We got about 2 inches Tuesday afternoon, 6 inches of snow yesterday, then 1/2 an inch of ice overnight, and 2-3 inches more of snow so far today!! Bentley has been absolutely LOVING every moment of his extra mommy and daddy time, and I have to admit that I’m not hating it either. With everything we’ve got going on, I think mother nature knew that I needed some real family time. 🙂 We spent all day yesterday playing in the snow, had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows last night, and have spent all day today cuddling by the fire and watching movies and are now getting ready to go back outside to build a snowman and play! 🙂 Here are a few pictures from our two snow days!
My hero. <3He’s such a ham!Handsome boy!He nudges the ball around and covers it in snow, just like he was building a snowman!very impatiently waiting for mommy and daddy to get dressed so we can go play!Baby boy LOVES playing with his ball in the snow!
On Thursday Bentley had Chemo #3! His blood work looked fantastic, and Dr. McFadden said that she is amazed at how great he looks and how perfect his levels have stayed – woohoo go Bentley! Next Chemo is scheduled for the 27th, and that will be a big day. We’re going to rescan his lungs and everything to check for mets, which as we all know is BIG..and it also happens to be his 3 month diagnosis date. So, prayers, paws crossed, whatever it is that you do – please do it for Bentley that day!! I am still amazed at this brave boy everyday. It seems everyday he has even more energy than before, he wants to constantly play now – will not leave me alone from the time I get home to the time I tell him we have to go to bed..it’s non stop ball time! 🙂 It makes me wonder if he was really in alot of pain for along time from the cancer, or if part of it was his hips..and now with the plethora of drugs he’s on (Vitamin C & E, Fish Oil, K9 Immunity Plus, GlycoflexIII, Gabapentin, Tramadol, Curcumin, Turmeric, Artemether, Artemisinin, Butyrex, and I’m sure I’m still missing something), something must be making he feel really good! It’s crazy how much cancer can teach us, and how quickly you realize that you were never really living before! We sure are now, we go on adventures every weekend, play NONSTOP, and cherish every moment. 🙂
Until next time – Healing hugs from Kate and Sloppy Rotty Kisses from Bentley xo
Bentley’s new BFF, she comes to Chemo with us everytime and he adores her!As soon as we came home, it was right back to ball time!!Silly boy sleeping upside down that night..and kicked both his teddys out of bed!