I cannot believe my baby boy is 7 years old!!! Yesterday was his birthday, and we did it up big this year! We spent the morning cuddling in bed (his favorite thing), then went for a long walk, played out back with his favorite fetch toys, and then he helped me bake homemade cancer-fighting pup cakes and liver bites (and I let him lick all of the bowls and utensils!). After that, all of our friends and family, and all of Bentley's friends came over for his party - complete with doggie games and LOTS of presents!!!! He was very tuckered out at the end of the day but we had a great day! It's hard to believe that just 7 years ago he was one of the little annoying puppies next door that used to bit my feet all the time! And today, I couldn't imagine living without him - he is my rock, my protector, my cuddle buddy, and my best friend (don't worry my husband knows. ;) Here are some pictures from the day, and here's to many more cancer free birthdays together!!
Sloppy Rotty Kisses,
Kate and Bentley
My handsome boy when he was just a pup!Helping mommy bake!Our handsome boy in his birthday hat!All tuckered out after a full day of fun!Loving his cupcakes and all of his toys!Sissy helping him unwrap presents!
Bentley had his second round of Chemo today and is doing great! All of his blood work looked perfect, and he hasn’t lost any weight (which is great because we were switching his diet all around and he had lost some weight which was good because of his hips, but we didn’t want him to lose anymore). It is still amazing to me every single day how great he’s doing. He’s slowly started playing with his younger sisters again like they used to (all 3 of them used to gang up on each other and run a train through our house!). Today they were all running around jumping on the couches and tearing through the house like they used to. As much as I used to curse the havoc they wreak on my house – nowadays, I absolutely cherish this madness! 🙂 They did forewarn us today that they increased his dosage up to the full dose of Carboplatin so we may see some side effects this time that we didn’t see last time. All in all, our handsome man is still doing absolutely fantastic!!! Thank you all so much as always for your kind words and support, here’s to several more years of time with my precious boy!
Sloppy Rotty kisses,
Bentley and Kate
Came right home and wanted to play!Hungry boy after Chemo today!
Bentley and I hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday!! As I stated in my last post, our Christmas was not quite what we were hoping for since my brother in law was in the hospital..however, we were very grateful this year that we were all together – and that was enough!! My brother-in-law has since come home from the hospital and is on his way to recovery..it’s going to be a long road, but we are just very lucky and extremely thankful to still have him here with us!!! We really enjoyed just being able to spend some time with him at home for the holidays, and Bentley was pretty excited because Uncle Chris got him a lucky totem necklace from his vacation in the Dominican, and a new Wilfork T-shirt for game day!!! We’re very much hoping with the new year will come some quiet time, we’ve pretty much had all the excitement we can handle for a couple years – and would like to get back to quiet weekends and ya know, maybe planning our wedding. 🙂
Bentley is still doing amazing, everyday I am more and more surprised at what he is learning to do – and how he is learning to adapt. This week, our new tricks were: getting up and down from the couch by himself, and mommy also woke up the past three nights with a big Bentley bear in the bed!!!!! I have NO idea how he even gets up there on his own (our bed is pretty high), but he does..and then I have to pick him up and put him on the floor in the AM (which is a good workout for me!). I did not think he would still want to get on the bed (I guess that was foolish on my part!), but since he does I think we may have to buy him some stairs so that he can do it on his own. He has his second round of Chemo on the 15th and hoping that goes as well as the first one. We have also started him on an arsenal of supplements: Artemisinin, Artemether, Butyrex, K9 Immunity Plus, Fish Oil, and Ester-C. Bentley still seems to be doing great, so we’re going to keep on fighting, and taking one day at a time – hoping to be one of the lucky few!
Hope everyone is enjoying 2014 so far!
Until next time..
Sloppy Rotty Kisses
My silly boy.All cuddled on the couch watching TV with mama!Handsome boy!Handsome boy @ Uncle Chris’s house!Rocking his new Wilfork T-shirt that Uncle Chris got him!